Efficient tenders for contingent workforce in ground handling at the Frankfurt am Main site.

until the first qualified candidates are received
new staffing providers as framework agreement partners
Identified staffing providers with qualifications for aviation
Complex requirements for contingent workforce
As the global market leader for airport and air freight services, Swissport International AG faced a significant challenge. After winning the ground handling license for Frankfurt Airport from February 2025, the company had to recruit qualified contingent workforce with specific certificates under time pressure. The prevailing shortage of skilled workers in the industry and the special requirements of airport logistics, such as safety-related training and official approvals, made the search for suitable temporary staff even more difficult. The task was to identify suitable partners from over 5,000 staffing providers in Germany who could offer both the necessary qualifications and economically attractive conditions for the provision of temporary staff.
Successful integration of temporary workers
Pactos was selected as the solution for the collaboration. AI-powered matching was used to identify the most suitable staffing provider for employee leasing. After a thorough evaluation, the most promising providers were invited to submit bids. This systematic approach enabled a comprehensive comparison of the bids received in terms of price and quality of the temporary workers, which led to the negotiation of advantageous framework agreements for the temporary staffing.
AI-powered selection of temporary employment agencies
Thanks to the innovative approach, Swissport was able to fill all the required positions with qualified contingent workforce on time. Remarkable efficiency was achieved: the first qualified candidates were identified within just 27 minutes. The use of Pactos not only solved the immediate personnel bottlenecks through temporary staffing, but also established a sustainable strategy for future temporary staffing needs. As a result, five new staffing providers were acquired as framework agreement partners and more than 80 staffing providers with specific qualifications for the aviation industry were identified. This strengthened Swissport's position as market leader and created a solid basis for further growth. The company was thus able to maintain its high service standards even with the use of temporary staff and further expand its operational excellence in international airport services.
Manage contingent workforce efficiently
Find out more about how Pactos can help you cover your staffing needs more quickly and make managing your external workers a breeze.