Freelancers - your expertise on call

Freelancers are a flexible form of contingent workforce and bring in specialized expertise exactly when it is needed. They work independently on a project basis, ideal for short-term bottlenecks or special tasks.

Leading companies rely on Pactos

Freelancers bring numerous advantages to your company


Freelancers can be deployed quickly and as required, without the need for long-term contracts.


They have the specialized knowledge and experience required for specific projects.

Cost savings

Due to the short-term assignment, there are no additional costs for continued payment of wages or long-term commitments.


Companies can bring in freelancers from various fields as needed.

The challenges behind flexibility

In addition to increased flexibility, the use of temporary work can also lead to additional work across different areas of the company.


Freelancers are not always available, especially in high-demand areas, which can delay the search.

Integration into the team

Freelancers are often less integrated into company processes, which can lead to communication problems.

Invoice auditing

The correct recording of working hours and checking of invoices requires additional administrative effort.

Legal uncertainties

The distinction between self-employment and bogus self-employment must be clear in order to avoid legal risks.

With Pactos, you can deploy freelancers quickly and easily

CV parsing

Get all relevant information at a glance for quick decisions.

Time records

Digitally stored time sheets minimize legal risks.

Central document management

Access invoices, contracts and timesheets at any time - for efficient and error-free administration.

Talent pool

30% faster candidate search through centralized management of existing and qualified candidates.

Learn more about the Pactos Freelancer Management System

Discover our AI software for efficient and simple management of your contingent workforce.