Temporary work
Temp-to-perm refers to the transition of a temporary worker to a permanent employment relationship with the client after an agreed period of employment.
The maximum assignment period is usually 18 months. After this period, the temporary worker must either be taken on or the assignment must be terminated.
Equal treatment requires that temporary workers have access to the same working conditions as permanent employees from day one, e.g. with regard to break regulations or protective clothing.
Equal pay means that after nine months of employment, temporary workers must receive the same remuneration as the permanent staff of the hirer for work of equal value.
The temporary worker is hired by a temporary employment agency and lent to a client company. The hirer assigns tasks to the temporary worker, while the lender pays the salary and manages the employment relationship.
The staffing agency pays the temporary workers their salary based on the agreed working hours. The client company pays the agency an invoice that includes the salary, social security contributions and a service fee.
Temporary employment is an employment relationship in which a temporary employment agency (hirer) temporarily hires out its employees to another company (borrower). The temporary worker remains employed by the hirer.
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